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International Insights #01: Counterterrorism Medicine

International Insights #01: Counterterrorism Medicine


International Insights #01: Counterterrorism Medicine


24 minutos
7 sept 2023
Episodio de podcast


Welcome to our new segment in MEDUCAST: International insights "a look at global emergencies". This new side of us will bring worldwide POV about healthcare systems, issues and providers. Also, as it's an international segment, this episodes will be 100% in english, but you can go to our Youtube channel to look at the interviews if you're a non-speaker.

Today, we have the honor to be with an incredible indivual! Dr. Derrick Tin, from Australia, will be sharing with us what is counterterrorism medicine and some of the keys to be prepared as healthcare providers to be on a conflictive situation. Please, enjoy this segment and let's dive into it!
7 sept 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (38)

Meducast by MEDUCATE, es un medio para difundir conocimientos sobre atención prehospitalaria, rescate, cuerpos de bomberos, policías, militares y profesionales relacionados con atención médica, desastres y rescate de todos los tipos; con el propósito de brindar información relevante y actualizada a través de entrevistas breves con expertos en diferentes áreas y así fomentar la educación y capacitación continua de estas áreas.