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Soothing music with binaural sounds to help balance brainwaves

Soothing music with binaural sounds to help balance brainwaves

DeCambia Tu Mente Y Podrás Cambiar Tu Vida

Soothing music with binaural sounds to help balance brainwaves

DeCambia Tu Mente Y Podrás Cambiar Tu Vida

30 minutos
12 jul 2023
Episodio de podcast


This podcast features music with binaural sounds and specific frequencies that are believed to have healing and regenerative properties. They can cover a wide range of therapeutic topics, from relaxation and meditation to emotional and physical healing.

This podcast offers a variety of binaural sound tracks designed specifically for different therapeutic purposes, such as insomnia, stress, anxiety and concentration.

This podcast offers a variety of binaural sound tracks designed specifically for different therapeutic purposes, such as insomnia, stress, anxiety and concentration.

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12 jul 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Puedes lograr lo que quieras cambiando tus hábitos mentales... Hoy comparto algunas acciones positivas que nos llevaran a hacer grandes cambios en la vida. Hagamos limpieza general para aprender a vivir de una manera diferente. Support this podcast: