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Music for stress, anxiety with binaural sounds for you to heal.

Music for stress, anxiety with binaural sounds for you to heal.

DeCambia Tu Mente Y Podrás Cambiar Tu Vida

Music for stress, anxiety with binaural sounds for you to heal.

DeCambia Tu Mente Y Podrás Cambiar Tu Vida

30 minutos
19 abr 2022
Episodio de podcast


The various sounds are brainwave frequencies that are purposely combined with the music to bring the listener into an altered state of consciousness, meditation, or deep relaxation.

Music for the purpose of bringing the listener into an altered state of consciousness, meditation, or deep relaxation.

The more you give the more you receive is a way to generate abundance.
Your donation of 5 dollars will help me continue my work and keep this channel open.
The more you give the more you receive
Infinite thanks for your contribution to this potdcas
Only by this means


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19 abr 2022
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Puedes lograr lo que quieras cambiando tus hábitos mentales... Hoy comparto algunas acciones positivas que nos llevaran a hacer grandes cambios en la vida. Hagamos limpieza general para aprender a vivir de una manera diferente. Support this podcast: