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A journey to find yourself and aging with style, with Vedette Du Rock

A journey to find yourself and aging with style, with Vedette Du Rock

DePlacer Filosófico

A journey to find yourself and aging with style, with Vedette Du Rock

DePlacer Filosófico

73 minutos
22 may 2023
Episodio de podcast


Thank you for listening this episode. Today I have the honor to bring you a conversation with Vedette Du Rock, a lady that made all her way from Canada to Mexico, and in her own words she came to own her fifties, given a lack of freedom while growing up, she said she wants to prove to anyone who is in the late part of life that it is possible to do the things you always dreamed even if you ain't that younger.
I find this history inspiring and full of emotions, as humans we live and try to do our best but we ain't perfect and realizing how many mistakes we have made can be very painful, but even then, it is the very essence of being a human that lift us all the way back again where we can see that we can live the life we always wanted even though the years have gone to far behind.
I hope you enjoy this episode, and again thank you for being here.
22 may 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (38)

En este espacio filosofamos la vida misma, desde lo que nos causa placer hasta lo que nos causa el más profundo de los dolores. Porque si hay placer en el saber, pero también como dice el Rey Salomón "El que añade ciencia añade dolor". Espero que el placer siempre sea mayor que el dolor.