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How to fix the conflict between authorities and the sharing economy

How to fix the conflict between authorities and the sharing economy

DePodcast de Itnig: Historias de startups

How to fix the conflict between authorities and the sharing economy

DePodcast de Itnig: Historias de startups

43 minutos
21 sept 2018
Episodio de podcast


Barcelona has been notoriously known for opposing the sharing economy and collaborative economy platforms such as Airbnb and Uber, as well as BlaBlaCar, even though the population are using the platforms more than most European citizens. We talked with Albert Canigueral, a thought leader in terms of innovative regulations and head of the Ouishare movement in Spain. Lucia Fernandez, another pioneer in the sharing economy community in Europe, working with Barcelona Activia, Ouishare and the local government in Barcelona, and Jaume Suñol, country manager of P2P car rental service Drivy. They all shared valuable insights from the relatively new world of the crowd capitalism, and how to fix the conflict between the sharing economy and authorities.

21 sept 2018
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

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