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El Campeón de las Papas Fritas: Descubre Por Qué Es Importante La Bondad
El Campeón de las Papas Fritas: Descubre Por Qué Es Importante La Bondad
El Campeón de las Papas Fritas: Descubre Por Qué Es Importante La Bondad
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El Campeón de las Papas Fritas: Descubre Por Qué Es Importante La Bondad

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Champ and Walter Norbert Whipplemoore are about as different as two kids can be... well, except for their love of baseball and potato chips. Walter was different, but the players on his baseball team all liked him. Everyone but Champ, that is. Walter was always late for practice, his shoes were old and dirty, and he rode an old broken-down bike. Their differences were glaring. But that didn't stop Walter from having a great attitude and being happy. He knew he wasn't what he had on the outside, but who he was on the inside. Champ, on the other hand, lacked empathy and was crabby and unkind to Walter. He just didn't understand why Walter had so little, yet still seemed to be so popular. Didn't the other kids realize that Champ was the coolest kid because he had so many things? In the end, it is Walter and some crunchy potato chips that teach Champ a lesson about character that can't be taught in school.The Potato Chip Champ by award-winning author Maria Dismondy carries the key message of differences and good sportsmanship supported by the many advocates of positive parenting solutions. This book is the perfect complement to other books for children ages 4-10 that focus on kindness, adversity, and empathy. Like the work of Jory John (The Cool Bean) and Sonia Sotomayor (Just Ask). Lesson plans, activities and discussion questions to allow parents, teachers and caregivers to explore the topic further and deepen comprehension. The best book for teaching the power of a good attitude for children. This book comes with a free Reader's Guide for children. The guide is available for free download from the publisher website
Fecha de lanzamiento4 nov 2022
El Campeón de las Papas Fritas: Descubre Por Qué Es Importante La Bondad

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    El Campeón de las Papas Fritas - Maria Dismondy

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