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El Caballero de Olmedo
El Caballero de Olmedo
El Caballero de Olmedo
Audiolibro1 hora

El Caballero de Olmedo

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Información de este audiolibro

El Caballero de Olmedo is a history play, a retelling of a folk tale, a celebrated piece of Golden Age drama, and also an intense mediation upon the power of desire, the deceits of eroticism and literary convention, the injustice of a world obsessed with appearance, and the tragic potential inherent in the courting of beautiful women. The introduction sets this play within the context of Baroque eroticism and sexual mores as well as dramatic practice.
Fecha de lanzamiento18 abr 2018

Lope de Vega

Lope de Vega (1562-1635) was Spain's first great playwright. The most prolific dramatist in the history of the theatre, he is believed to have written some 1500 plays of which about 470 survive. He established the conventions for the Spanish comedia in the last decade of the 16th century, influenced the development of the zarzuela, and wrote numerous autosacramentales.The son of an embroiderer, he took part in the conquest of Terceira in the Azores (1583) and sailed with the Armada in 1588, an event that inspired his epic poem La Dragentea (1597). Among his many notable works are Fuenteovejuna (c. 1614) in which villagers murder their tyrannous feudal lord and are saved by the king's intervention, and El castigo sin venganza, in which a licentious duke maintains his public reputation by killing his adulterous wife and her illegitimate son.

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