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Verdad a la vista (Truth in Sight): Libro 2 (Book 2)
Verdad a la vista (Truth in Sight): Libro 2 (Book 2)
Verdad a la vista (Truth in Sight): Libro 2 (Book 2)
Audiolibro19 minutos

Verdad a la vista (Truth in Sight): Libro 2 (Book 2)

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Información de este audiolibro

Cici has a lot to figure out. She's learning how to make friends. She's learning how to be a better big sister. Oh, and she's learning how to use her fairy powers! Things look easy for Kendra, a popular girl at Cici's school. So when Cici finds Kendra's lost doll, she uses her magic to play a trick: change the doll, and Kendra changes too! It starts as a joke—but could it last forever? Now in Spanish, this graphic novel shows Cici learning to see the best in people.

Cuando Cici se pone celosa de su compañera de clase Kendra, ella arruina la muñeca de Kendra. ¡Entonces los cambios aparecen en Kendra! En esta novela gráfica, Cici aprende a ver lo mejor de las personas.

Fecha de lanzamiento1 ago 2022

Cori Doerrfeld

Cori Doerrfeld is a freelance author and illustrator. She lives in Minneapolis with her comic artist husband, Tyler Page, and their two children, and she is the author of 2019 Charlotte Huck Recommended Book and New York Times Notable Children's Book The Rabbit Listened. Follow Cori's work online at

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