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La isla de los amores infinitos
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La isla de los amores infinitos
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La isla de los amores infinitos
Audiolibro10 horas

La isla de los amores infinitos

Escrito por Daína Chaviano

Narrado por Pilar Laguna

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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Información de este audiolibro

Tres familias de orígenes y culturas dispares protagonizan esta apasionante saga de emigrantes que recalan en Cuba y cuyos destinos a lo largo de más de 150 años correrán parejos con los de la bella isla. Desde el Miami actual, la historia retrocede hasta 1856, cuando entran en contacto los personajes, procedentes de China, España y África, y surge el amor, que hallará una mágica continuidad un siglo más tarde. Una hermosa historia de esperanzas y sueños rotos, de nostalgia, exilio y amores unidos por el destino.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 may 2009
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La isla de los amores infinitos

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Calificación: 3.5161291354838706 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    es una excelente historia,lo recomiendo a todos aquellos que nos gusta la lectura
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    This is a pretty good read despite some minor flaws. It goes back and forth between modern day Miami and historical Cuba. Cecilia left Cuba and is currently living in Miami, but her past haunts her. She misses Cuba but also hates Cuba, or what Cuba has become. She meets an old lady in a bar who begins to tell her a tale of three separate families, all having made Cuba their home. There is a Chinese family that fled war torn China in hopes of finding refuge in the tropics, a family descendend from slaves, and a Spanish family. Each one of these families has stories of love, loss, revolution, and hope. Somehow, they all connect to each other. While Cecilia learns of all these families, she is forced to come to terms with her own history and losses while chasing a "phantom" house and dabbling in a bit of magic herself. Can she overcome her bitterness and move on? Can she find happiness in Miami?There was a lot of magic and talking dead people, but I rather liked it all except the dwarf imp. I found that just a bit too.. preposterous. Otherwise, a very engaging read. I enjoyed all the stories when the imp wasn't popping up. However, are some things that seem to have been lost or neglected in the translation. Angela leaves Cuba for America while she is pregnant with Pepe and the book fails to tell the reader when they went back to Cuba. I was still under the impression that Angela and Pepe still lived in America until all of a sudden Pepe is visiting Mercedes in a house of ill repute in Cuba. It wasn't a short island hop back then so I was left scratching my head. Also, Pepe was born in America on one page and a few chapters later, the book says he was born in Cuba. Some things were just off. Thus, four stars.
  • Calificación: 5 de 5 estrellas
    This is a family saga that takes place along two parallel lines: one in our time and another that begins in the 19 Century. The modern story revolves around the paranormal investigations of a young journalist researching a phantom house that appears and disappears in different parts of her city, Miami. Different magical or supernatural events conspire to make these three stories from the past begin to mix. One of the best things is the interaction between the fantastic and the real worlds. I enjoyed the connection between humans and fantasy creatures. Once I began reading, I could not stop. I literally devoured the almost 400 pages.