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Escrito por Ricky Martin

Narrado por Tony Chiroldes

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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El artista Ricky Martin quien ha vendido mas de 60 millones de albumes en todo el mundo habla por primera vez sobre su infancia, sus comienzos musicales en el grupo Menudo, su busqueda de identidad durante el fenomeno de "Livin La Vida Loca", la aceptacion de su sexualidad, las relaciones en las que descubrio el amor y las decisiones que cambiaron su vida como el convertirse en padre y su dedicacion por ayudar a los ninos des privilegiados en todo el mundo. Yo es un libro intimo de memorias sobre la trayectoria espiritual de uno de los artistas mas reconocidos de nuestra epoca.
Fecha de lanzamiento2 nov 2010
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Calificación: 3.3709638709677416 de 5 estrellas

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  • Calificación: 1 de 5 estrellas
    Empieza bien pero poco a poco se va convirtiendo en algo aburrido pese a las ganas de Ricky de hacerlo interesante. Lo más pronto destacado algunas anécdotas puntuales. Parece más un libro de autoayuda que una biografía.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    I don't think that anyone needs to explain what Me is about. Both the title and cover clearly spell out that this is a look into the life of Ricky Martin, the man behind the artist. Honestly, I've always had a bit of a crush on Ricky Martin, from his days in Menudo when I watched him dance and sing between Saturday morning cartoons, to crooning sultry serenades on Vuelve, or gyrating to "Livin' La Vida Loca." Whatever he's done, I've been a fan.In a stripped down sense, this autobiography is the essentials. There isn't a single picture, very little outside information about anyone else, and mainly takes us through Martin's feelings and thoughts about different periods in his life. The core of his exploration seems to center on his own self-identity, which returns over and over again to his acceptance of himself as a gay man. I wouldn't say that he solely looks for areas of his life that should have guided him in his personal truth, but it was a definite theme, and rightfully so. It is easy to see how Martin's upbringing in a Catholic, Latino culture that both demand strong ideals of masculinity and heterosexuality, shaped his own search to understand who he was at the core. In the book he looks at what he thought at different times in his life and considers his response in each case. For instance, Martin had a string of successful relationships with women, who he felt passionately in love with, only to be offset by equally satisfying relationships behind the scenes with several men that came into his life. He doesn't express any confusion about these relationships, but explains what drew him to each of these loves and what he learned.The book is pretty much an exploration of experiences and how they shaped Martin into who he is today, a man of an open heart and life of complete honesty. My one disappointment was that there wasn't a single picture outside of the cover! I don't care if I'm reading about a famous author or a superstar, I look forward to seeing the personal pictures that are included. There's something about autobiographies that beg for a picture or two to help us think about the person at each age. I was just sad that Martin chose not to include any pictures. The stories and personal journey were interesting, but I'll admit that I was sad that he left out the pictures.In short, I would say that this is less of an autobiography in the classical sense (linear and straight-forward), and more about Martin's thoughts about different times in his life. This was an interesting life story, with lots of self-reflection that helps us to relate to Martin's life and to see ourselves in him.
  • Calificación: 4 de 5 estrellas
    Me by Ricky Martin was a great book, a good book about his personal growth as a person. This was not a gossip book, a tell-all about his sexual exploits, or celebrity magazine. I know some did not like this book because it failed in not telling enough about himself. I think they wanted more of the above. This was about Ricky, the real Ricky. He even tells what his family and friends really call him but I had a audible version and I can't spell it. It wasn't Ricky. It goes into what makes him, him. His likes, dislikes, what pushes him, goals, his past, moments that made him think, moments that were special, moments that changed him. This was a book about his growth as a person and what that looks like to him. In many ways it is a spiritual journey too, especially near the end. What his special calling is to help children from slave/sexual trafficking. What got him to choose this calling. It is a very good book if you like Ricky and want to know what is in his head and not looking for just gossip. If you want to know who he really is.