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Delegated RPKI in Krill and the challenges of implementing the open-source model

Delegated RPKI in Krill and the challenges of implementing the open-source model

DeLACNIC Podcast

Delegated RPKI in Krill and the challenges of implementing the open-source model

DeLACNIC Podcast

36 minutos
7 nov 2023
Episodio de podcast


In this episode Carlos Martínez and Tim Bruijnzeels discussed the pros and cons of Krill, a free, open source RPKI Certificate Authority that lets you run delegated RPKI under one or multiple Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).
Ideas were also shared regarding the importance and challenges faced by organizations implementing open-source tools.
7 nov 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (40)

Un espacio de charlas junto a expertos de la comunidad técnica de Internet. Conversamos sobre interconexión, protocolos, seguridad y todo lo vinculado al desarrollo de Internet en nuestra región.