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How can I engage during a fast?

How can I engage during a fast?

DeEllie Hernández

How can I engage during a fast?

DeEllie Hernández

22 minutos
26 abr 2023
Episodio de podcast


I am expectant for the historic time in human history that we are entering. I firmly believe that "The Fast of Isaiah 62" will mark a before and after, not only in our lives, but in the entire world.

However, sometimes we may feel overwhelmed by not knowing where to start or what to do during this type of fast. In this episode, I will share with you some practical steps so that you can join this fast and be part of what God is doing.

✨ Thank you for being here! See you in June for Season 3! ✨

For more info/content on the fast:
Download the "Mike Bickle App" completely FREE

Some Apostolic Prayers and verses to pray with during the fast:

For messengers (Gentiles + Jews) to preach the Gospel to Israel
• Acts 4:29-31

For Intercessors in the Church for Israel
• Isaiah 62:1-7

Revelation in the Church of God’s purposes for Israel
• Rom. 11:25-26 and Eph. 1:17-19

Salvation of Israel
• Rom. 11:26-27
• Rom. 10:1

Revelation of Jesus in Israel
• Eph. 1:17-19

For the Gospel to run in Israel
• 2 Thes. 3:1-5


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26 abr 2023
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (41)

¡Bienvenidos! Mi nombre es Ellie y las temas que más me apasionan son: Jesús, Su regreso, devoción extravagante, mi familia, café y té. Este es un espacio para hablar de Jesús, Su belleza y Su regreso y cómo estas verdades afectan nuestro estilo de vida diariamente. Acompáñame en esta jornada de crecimiento para amar a Dios cada día más. Welcome! My name is Ellie and the topics I'm passionate about are: Jesus, His return, extravagant devotion, my family, coffee, and tea. This is a space where we will talk about Jesus, His beauty and return, and how these truths impact our day-to-day lives. Support this podcast: