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The Game Collective Music 034

The Game Collective Music 034

DeThe Game Collective

The Game Collective Music 034

DeThe Game Collective

56 minutos
21 abr 2021
Episodio de podcast


Amigos, hola a todos, ha llegado el momento de disfrutar de la mejor música de los videojuegos aquí en The Game Collective Music.

01 Everfrost peak | Diddy’s Kong Racing | N64, 1997 | C: David Wise | R: Bknapp | WizPig
02 Kotake and Koume’s party song | TLOZ: Ocarina of time | N64, 1998 | C: Koji Kondo | R: Bknapp | Another Ocarina of Time Remix Album
03 Fear Factory | Donkey Kong Country | SNES, 1994 | C: David Wise | R: Mohmega | Treetop Tunes
04 We are the dragons| Double Dragon | NES, 1987 | C: Kazunaka Yamane | R: ThePlasmas | Beware the Invasion
05 Square Wave | Wave Race 64 | N64, 1996 | C: Kazumi Totaka | R: Ivan Hakštok, Wake | Dwelling of Duels June 2015: Jazz
06 Kumite | Super Smash Bros. Melee | GCN, 2001 | C: Hirokazu Ando, Shogo Sakai, Tadashi Ikegami, Takuto Kitsuka | R: Rozen (feat. Viking Guitar & Mat Ombler) | Harmony of heroes


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21 abr 2021
Episodio de podcast

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Wahoo! The Game Collective es el podcast con lo mejor de la música de los videojuegos.