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''My message to the girls who dream of being scientists'', Jane Goodall

''My message to the girls who dream of being scientists'', Jane Goodall

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

''My message to the girls who dream of being scientists'', Jane Goodall

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

72 minutos
10 ene 2019
Episodio de podcast


Considered to be one of the most influential female scientists of the twentieth century, Jane Goodall's eyes shine when she shares her stories from days past; today they have become life lessons about science and education: "Be curious and make mistakes, be patient and don't give up." this extraordinary woman reiterates. Doctor Goodall's research revolutionized the scientific community and fascinated the entire world with her National Geographic documentaries. Her perseverance, intuition, empathy, and skill at making observations, not only allowed her to discover the unknown world of the chimpanzees and other species, but has also encouraged us to reflect on ourselves and to promote a more sustainable lifestyle and a more just society.
10 ene 2019
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Un proyecto de educación para una vida mejor. En BBVA creemos que la educación es la gran oportunidad para mejorar la vida de las personas. Nuestra misión es involucrar a toda la sociedad en el reto de que cada niño encuentre su pasión y desarrolle su máximo potencial. Todos somos niños a la hora de aprender. Aprendemos Juntos, un proyecto de BBVA en colaboración con El País y Santillana.