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Learn to think and think to learn, Robert Swartz

Learn to think and think to learn, Robert Swartz

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

Learn to think and think to learn, Robert Swartz

DeBBVA Aprendemos juntos 2030

32 minutos
24 dic 2018
Episodio de podcast


A distinguished professor at the University of Massachusetts and holder of a PhD in Philosophy, Robert Swartz is considered one of the most influential voices in education. Head of the Center for Teaching Thinking (CTT), Swartz is the creator of the Thought-Based Learning method (TBL), that teaches students to make decisions through critical thought and to think creatively and autonomously. For Swartz, thinking and reasoning properly is a social function, which is why it is so important that, at schools, students develop, share ideas, and learn by working together.
24 dic 2018
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (100)

Un proyecto de educación para una vida mejor. En BBVA creemos que la educación es la gran oportunidad para mejorar la vida de las personas. Nuestra misión es involucrar a toda la sociedad en el reto de que cada niño encuentre su pasión y desarrolle su máximo potencial. Todos somos niños a la hora de aprender. Aprendemos Juntos, un proyecto de BBVA en colaboración con El País y Santillana.