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33. Ayla Agren / A Girl Talks F1

33. Ayla Agren / A Girl Talks F1

DeA Girl Talks F1

33. Ayla Agren / A Girl Talks F1

DeA Girl Talks F1

28 minutos
24 feb 2022
Episodio de podcast


Whether she's racing in W Series or performing as a spotter on Indy. Ayla Agren has done it all when it comes to motorsports, having raced in several different categories and even drove as a Safety Driver for Indy. So what are you waiting for to click play and get to know more about Ayla's special Championship in 2014 and how she made it to W Series + what she really thinks about the category, her opinion will definitely surprise you. All that and more with one of my favorite guests so far so come and join the ride with two females in motorsports and tell us what you think.
- Manena (A Girl Talks F1) 
24 feb 2022
Episodio de podcast

Títulos en esta serie (57)

Divertidas pláticas en inglés o español, con expertos del deporte automovilístico aquí en el podcast de A Girl talks F1. Tratando de cambiar el estigma de que no sólo a los hombres les gustan los carros, sino a las mujeres también. Los espero quincenalmente los miércoles. -Manena ---------------------- Fun chit chats in English or Spanish, with experts in motorsports here in the podcast A Girl Talks F1. Trying to break the stigma that not only men like cars but women too. See you here every two weeks on Wednesdays. -Manena