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Cousteau: El descubridor de los mares
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Cousteau: El descubridor de los mares
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Cousteau: El descubridor de los mares
Libro electrónico37 páginas14 minutos

Cousteau: El descubridor de los mares

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Jacques Cousteau was the discoverer of the oceans. He invented and developed diving equipment, wrote books that became best sellers, made award-winning films and successful campaigns for the preservation of the seas. He was also a naval officer, scientist, photographer, researcher and an example for millions to follow. In this book, Cousteau's son, Philippe, discovers the achievements of his famous father.Vegueta has had the privilege of having the collaboration of Jan Cousteau, daughter-in-law of Cousteau and widow of his son Philippe, protagonist of the book. The author met with her in Washington. Jan, moved, gave us for publication the letter she had received from Philippe while he was on an expedition. In addition to Philippe's letter, this title includes a postcard and a second letter simulating Philippe's correspondence with his mother, when he was in boarding school and his parents were traveling around the world aboard the Calypso.
Fecha de lanzamiento28 may 2025
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Cousteau: El descubridor de los mares

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