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Copérnico: Una revolución en el cosmos
Copérnico: Una revolución en el cosmos
Copérnico: Una revolución en el cosmos
Libro electrónico39 páginas0 minutos

Copérnico: Una revolución en el cosmos

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Why are there seasons, why do days and nights follow one another? If the stars do not move, is the Sun not a star? These are just some of the questions that Nicolaus Copernicus asked himself. At that time, mankind had thought for two thousand years that the Earth was the center of the Universe. However, the young Copernicus could not explain what his eyes were seeing and, as a good scientist, he did not stop until he proved that our planet, the Earth, does not stop moving.Both the narrative register and the style of the images are suitable for schoolchildren between 8 and 11 years of age. The text and illustrations make sure to deal with didactic themes transversal to the character's areas of activity, both for family reading and for use in schools and to reinforce the educational program.
Fecha de lanzamiento1 may 2024
Copérnico: Una revolución en el cosmos

David Calle

David Calle (Madrid, 1972) es ingeniero de telecomunicaciones y profesor. Es conocido como “Unicoos” en Youtube, donde tiene una comunidad de más de 1,5 millones de suscriptores y funciona como una organización educativa para estudiantes de educación secundaria y universitarios.

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