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La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou: Un Regalo De Corazón
La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou: Un Regalo De Corazón
La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou: Un Regalo De Corazón
Libro electrónico30 páginas0 minutos

La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou: Un Regalo De Corazón

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Lila Lou loves to read, morning, noon, and night. Books are everywhere in her house. Lila Lou has so many books, she makes forts out of them! But when her mom decides that Lila Lou has one too many books, will Lila Lou be forced to get rid of her cherished books? Find out how Lila Lou uses her creativity and activism to save her books and inspires a community. The best book for teaching the power of activism and perseverance. Lila Lou's Little Library by Nikki Bergstresser carries key concepts of sharing, creativity and community supported by the many advocates of positive parenting solutions. It'll sit comfortably on your shelf alongside other books that focus on overcoming obstacles and creating community, like the work of Dan Santat (After the Fall) and Kristen Bell and Benjamin Hart (The World Needs More Purple People). This book comes with a free Reader's Guide for children. The guide is available for free download from the publisher website. Lesson plans, activities, and discussion questions to allow parents, teachers, and caregivers to explore the topic further and deepen comprehension.
Fecha de lanzamiento4 nov 2022
La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou: Un Regalo De Corazón

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    La minibiblioteca de Lila Lou - Sejung Kim

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