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How to Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide to using Mindfulness and Meditation to Improve Your Life
How to Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide to using Mindfulness and Meditation to Improve Your Life
How to Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide to using Mindfulness and Meditation to Improve Your Life
Libro electrónico107 páginas51 minutos

How to Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide to using Mindfulness and Meditation to Improve Your Life

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Looking For Your Inner Oasis In The Desert Of Modern Life?

Here's How You Can Use Mindfulness & Meditation To Improve Your Life!

Now you don't have to travel to remote forests or tropical islands to find your inner peace. This comprehensive mindfulness and meditation guide will allow you to reinvent yourself and find happiness – at the comfort of your home.

Unlike other mindfulness books that only include the benefits of meditation and mindfulness, this practical inner peace book will offer you a step-by-step, easy-to-follow guide on HOW to achieve inner peace.

By the end of this eye-opening mindful meditation book, you will be able to:

✔️ Increase Your Mental Powers & Inner Awareness

✔️ Manage Negative Emotions & Thoughts

✔️ Eliminate Stress & Deal With Anxiety

✔️ Declutter Your Space, Your Life & Your Mind

✔️ Regain Your Lost Confidence & Pursue Your Dreams


Greer Shelton, the author of "How To Find Inner Peace" and certified Meditation Teacher, will take you by the hand and navigate you through the stormy waters of your hectic life. The 25 mindfulness practices will help you develop a mindful routine and build habits of mindfulness.

"Is Meditation Right For Me?"

Studies have shown that meditation can help lengthen your attention span, promote emotional health, generate kindness, improve sleep, and reduce stress. And now you can reap all the benefits of mindfulness and meditation without spending a small fortune.

Surprise your loved ones with a copy of "How To Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide To Using Mindfulness & Meditation To Improve Your Life" today and help them find inner peace and balance in a hectic, crazy world

EditorialGreer Shelton
Fecha de lanzamiento14 nov 2019
How to Find Inner Peace: A Modern Guide to using Mindfulness and Meditation to Improve Your Life

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    How to Find Inner Peace - Greer Shelton

    Chapter 1: What is Mindfulness?

    Without being mindful, we are letting life go by us. Being in an awakened state of mind is mindfulness. It is the ability not to dwell on what happened in the past and not to anticipate anything about the future. So, the synonyms of mindfulness can be awareness, focus, presence, attention, vigilance, etc. The opposite of mindfulness is not only mindlessness but also inattention, lack of focus, lack of engagement, and distractedness.

    Mindfulness is a practice whereby people learn to tune into their inner selves and identify feelings and emotions they experience concerning internal and external influences. When people learn to tune into themselves, they gain greater insight into who they are, what they are, and how they are.

    You can witness mindfulness in yourself when you have an experience, and your first reaction is to look into yourself and identify what you are experiencing concerning your circumstances.

    When we have a mindfulness practice in place, we are more likely to recognize the situations that trigger these experiences and identify the ways that we can eliminate our reactions to the triggers. Then, we can choose new preferred methods of responding to the situation and adjust our responses to our desired method. After a while of responding instead of reacting, your reaction will change to your desired response. Then, it will feel natural for you to respond in a way that feels better to you and serves you better.

    Mindfulness is a practice that assists people in exploring their inner selves and the way they experience the world around them. It is a system of strategies that help you develop a mental state that can assist you in identifying who you are, how you respond to the world, and what makes you feel good. When you learn these things, you gain greater control over your life and your emotions as you learn how you can effectively interact with the world in a way that brings you joy and happiness.

    Mindfulness is a powerful practice to help you identify triggers and switch up your response method so that you feel better about the way you lead your life. It is not a magic tool that erases triggers and rewrites your reality without any of your assistance.

    The secret to mindfulness is really simple. So simple in fact, that you might think it's not even a secret at all, nor is it all that impressive. The reality is, when you understand this secret and you put it into effect, your mindfulness practice will grow exponentially, and you will reap all of the benefits that mindfulness has to offer. The secret to mindfulness is to practice regularly. Mindfulness is not something you attain and then never have to work for again. Mindfulness is called a practice for a reason. You must practice each day and put it to work to see the results from your practice. The more you put into your practice, the more you will get out.

    When you learn about the value of mindfulness and start seeing the results in your own life, you will understand how powerful this practice truly is. The more you use it, the more results you will see, and the more you will remember to use it. In the beginning, you may discover that it is hard to be mindful of many of the situations you encounter.

    The more you invest in your mindfulness practice, the more powerful it will become and the greater the value you will gain from it. Mindfulness is not a practice that is meant to be accomplished and then forgotten about. Instead, mindfulness is a lifelong journey where you continually delve deeper into yourself and learn more and more about yourself along the way.

    Empowering your mindfulness practice is simple. You simply must believe in it, practice regularly, and allow yourself to nurture it enough so that it will grow.

    Mindfulness is a powerful practice that allows people to explore the depths of their inner world. When you practice mindfulness, you gain the ability to learn more about yourself than ever before. Instead of reacting to your inner and outer circumstances, you will learn to respond. You will also gain a greater sense of self-awareness that will

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