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Escape from Depression: Discussion, Deep Relaxation, Imagery
Escape from Depression: Discussion, Deep Relaxation, Imagery
Escape from Depression: Discussion, Deep Relaxation, Imagery
Audiolibro2 horas

Escape from Depression: Discussion, Deep Relaxation, Imagery

Escrito por Dr. Emmett Miller

Narrado por Dr. Emmett Miller

Calificación: 0 de 5 estrellas


Información de este audiolibro

The first part offers a new perspective on the mechanism of depression, delivered in the form of a Heart to Heart talk. In it, Dr. Miller explains depression as the state of being cut off from your spirit or heart, what has meaning for you. It is a kind of learned helplessness, based on a belief in loss and a failure to grieve properly. But because it is learned, depression can be unlearned. You can change your thinking by coming into the present.The first part offers a new perspective on the mechanism of depression, delivered in the form of a Heart to Heart talk. In it, Dr. Miller explains depression as the state of being cut off from your spirit or heart, what has meaning for you. It is a kind of learned helplessness, based on a belief in loss and a failure to grieve properly. But because it is learned, depression can be unlearned. You can change your thinking by coming into the present. The second part is the active ingredient, Software for the Mind, a graduated series of guided imagery experiences (4 in all). Each is designed to build on the previous track. The guided imagery provides you with the tools to rescript your deeper mind, your nervous system, your emotions, and your body.
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Fecha de lanzamiento10 jul 2012
Escape from Depression: Discussion, Deep Relaxation, Imagery

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