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Audiolibro4 horas


Escrito por Rubén Darío

Narrado por Chema Agulló

Calificación: 3.5 de 5 estrellas



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«En la catedral de León, de Nicaragua, en la América Central, se encuentra la fe de bautismo de Félix Rubén, hijo legítimo de Manuel García y Rosa Sarmiento. En realidad, mi nombre debía ser Félix Rubén García Sarmiento. ¿Cómo llegó a usarse en mi familia el apellido Darío? Según lo que algunos ancianos de aquella ciudad de mi infancia me han referido, un mi tatarabuelo tenía por nombre Darío. En la pequeña población conocíale todo el mundo por don Darío; a sus hijos e hijas por los Daríos, las Daríos».Escrita un año antes de su muerte, «La vida de Rubén Darío escrita por él mismo» es una obra autobiográfica del conocido poeta nicaragüense.Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano.Rubén Darío (1867-1916) fue un poeta nicaragüense, considerado uno de los poetas más importantes de las letras hispanas de la historia universal. Fue el máximo exponente del movimiento del modernismo literario. Su obra, que revolucionó la métrica de la poesía escrita en español, trata temas como el erotismo, el exotismo, el aspecto social o incluso el ocultismo.
EditorialSAGA Egmont
Fecha de lanzamiento4 ene 2021

Rubén Darío

Rubén Darío (1867-1916) was a Nicaraguan poet. Following his parents’ separation, he was raised in the city of León by Félix and Bernarda Ramirez, his maternal aunt and uncle. In 1879, after years of hardship following the death of Félix, Darío was sent to a Jesuit school, where he began writing poetry. He found publication in El Termómetro and El Ensayo, a popular daily and a local literary magazine, and was recognized as a promising young writer. Darío soon gained a reputation for his liberal politics and was denied an opportunity to study in Europe due to his opposition of the Catholic Church. In 1882, he travelled to El Salvador, where he studied French poetry with Francisco Gavidia and sharpened his sense of traditional poetic forms. Back in Nicaragua, he suffered from financial hardship and poor health while attempting to broaden his style through experimentation with new poetic forms. In 1886, he traveled to Chile, where he published his masterpiece Azul… (1888), a groundbreaking blend of poetry and prose that helped define and distinguish Hispanic Modernism. The success of Azul… enabled Darío to find work as a correspondent for La Nación, a popular periodical based in Buenos Aires. He travelled widely throughout his career, working as a journalist and ambassador in Argentina, France, and Spain. Darío continued to write and publish poetry, courting controversy with a series of poems written on Theodore Roosevelt and the United States which displayed his inconsistent political position on the impact of American imperialism on Latin America. Towards the end of his life, suffering from advanced alcoholism, Darío returned to his native city of León, where he was buried after a lengthy funeral at the Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary.

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